Pregnancy Wisdom
I came upstairs to shower before making dinner. But then I felt kind of tired afterward. So I'm sitting here in my towel, looking out the window and I realize how beautiful my view is. As a big, pregnant person I'm being forced to slow down, something that doesn't come very naturally to this Type A gal. I'm being forced to not react so quickly or so emotionally to life, because I don't want to hurt this person I'm growing. I'm being forced to accept this body with its Buddha belly and weird veins and weak muscles. Because its incubating my baby and that's pretty magical. There's a quote I have long loved that says 'what we resist persists'. Never has it resonated with me more than at this moment. I can't move fast, I get tired easily, I need to be calm and I look like a female Homer Simpson. And that's okay. Ever little bit of it. I'll only get to experience this part for a brief blink of time. But with any luck I will hold onto these lessons long after she is born. #thirdtrimester #sevenmonths #pregnancywisdom
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