Beauty Victim?

At the risk of appearing superficial and vain, I'm going to go ahead and admit I'm a bit of a beauty addict. Uh hello? I work for a plastic surgeon. Kind of comes with the territory right? And although I detest referring to myself as a pig of any kind it's pretty obvious that I am of the guinea variety all too often. Tonight is no different.

Kelly plays soccer on Thursday nights. These evenings are often spent plucking and preening, steaming and conditioning in the hopes that the other six days of the week looking hot seems effortless. Ha.

Since I work for a pretty prominent plastic surgeon we get all kinds of free swag to try out. Dr. Diaz is on a panel of beauty experts for this beauty club and because of this I get to try out all kinds of cool girly products for inclusion in their swag bag.

About a week ago I got this at-home heating conditioning hair thingy to try. I couldn't wait to get this turban on my head but knew I was waaaay too modest to test this out in front of my man. Trying to maintain some illusion of femininity here people! Anyway, with papa gone and a whole bottle of wine to myself I took this headdress for a spin!

According to the box, between this heated turban and a deep conditioner, I should have lustrous, wavy locks. We'll see how head-turning my fro is after this is all over.


  1. I like! I want to see the after pictures

  2. Hope the hair turns out... but your skin looks great! Very glowy

  3. Yeah your skin does look great! So do your brows!!!


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